Whisky Show 2023 – Ardray Lounge and Cocktail

In our planning for our one day at London’s Whisky Show 2023, we didn’t even think of cocktails… our pursuit was purely whiskies in their unadulterated form. However, after some 30+ different sniff and swish experiences, we needed a break. A proper break. Somewhere to step out of the main sections, sit back, and relax for a wee bit.

And that is when our wanderings came across the Ardray Lounge. Where there was a decidedly Japanese twist to the approach. At least with their cocktails. Which were mighty fine and completely refreshing – exactly what we didn’t even know we needed!

We also gave the lass a chance to make her pitch about the whisky and then settled into relaxing and sipping for just a bit. She shared how Suntory now is bringing back a Scottish blend that brings the Japanese sensibility of a subtle yet complex dram.

She gave us a small pour and I recall being pleasantly surprised. However, did I take any tasting notes? Nope. Because we were taking a break!

Across from the lounge was the official Cocktail section. Which also conveniently had some seating plus a Whisky Wall to mark one’s presence. We were a bit cheeky about claiming the BMC aka “Bombay Malt & Cigars” club was there – at least 2 out of 5 were! Maybe next year we can persuade the others to join too!

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