Germany’s Ayer’s Alligator 57.7%

Sometimes you skip what is sitting in your own backyard. Monuments missed, landmarks overlooked, vistas unseen… Having lived in Nurnberg for over four years, much of what tourists do remains undone. And that includes a whisky tour of Altstadthof Brewery and Distillery where our local small-batch whisky Ayer’s is produced. I have certainly had the beer from there. And more than one wine-tasting event. Even a tour of the underground tunnels. But unbelievably have yet to make it for one of their whisky tours or samplings, despite being a mere 15-minute walk from my home. For shame!

So when we decided to close the year with an exploration of continental European whiskies, it seemed the perfect opportunity to check out what is practically in our backyard! A fellow member steered towards their cask strength expression – specifically with an Alligator char. Alli-what you may ask?

First off is understanding why it is important to char the oak barrel. The concept is simple – charring opens up the wood – making it easier for the spirit to extract flavours. There are different char levels with alligator being one of the highest, so-called as the wood takes on the texture of alligator hide.

So enough theory, what about practice?

Ayer’s Alligator (2017 / 2022) 57.7%

  • Colour – Dark copper, edging on amber
  • Nose – Young, fresh and sweet, honey, tobacco, cotton candy
  • Palate – Began a bit fruity with pear, then shifted into toast with butter, something that is almost akin to peat without actually being peaty
  • Finish – Satisfying
  • Water – Makes it even more accessible

We were overall quite pleased with this one! After the unique Fary Lochan, we feared the Ayer’s might pale by comparison, whereas it held its own. We thought it might be a bit bold or harsh, instead, it was smooth and easy to enjoy. A happy surprise!

With this experience, I am reminded that it is past time to check out this wee distillery, sooner rather than later once back in Deutschland in the New Year.

What else did we explore that evening from the European continent?

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